In Luke 22, amidst the shadow of impending betrayal, Jesus delivers a transformative lesson to his disciples on true greatness. As the disciples bickered over their status, Jesus disrupts their worldly paradigm by declaring that the greatest among them must become like the youngest, and the leader as one who serves. This inversion of societal norms reflects Jesus’ life of humble servanthood, exemplified in his washing of the disciples’ feet, where the King of Kings condescends to the role of a servant. Ponder that for a minute; Jesus knows his time on earth is coming to an end and yet he is still investing, teaching, encouraging. The apostles, however, even as Jesus warns them of their upcoming betrayal, argue about who is the greatest.
This passage challenges us to reevaluate our cultural notions of success and leadership, which often prioritize power, prestige, and self-promotion. In a world that exalts the assertive and the ambitious, Jesus calls us to a different path – one of humility, sacrificial love, and servanthood. As followers of Christ, we are called to rise above the norms of our culture, to be in it but not of it, embodying a leadership style that stands in stark contrast to the world’s values.
The weight of this calling must be acknowledged, recognizing the inherent difficulty in living out such a radically different approach to leadership. Yet, amidst this challenge lies the opportunity to shine as beacons of light in a darkened world, offering a compelling example of Christ-like servanthood and humility. As others witness our actions, they are confronted with a powerful alternative to the status quo, inspiring them to consider a different way of living and leading. As the theologian Dallas Willard eloquently stated, “The leaders of the future will be those who dare to claim their irrelevance in the contemporary world as a divine vocation.” How can we, in our workplaces and leadership roles, courageously embrace this counter-cultural vision of greatness, rejecting the world’s standards and instead embracing the call to servanthood and humility?
Mission first, others second.